My secret is that my husband is an obsessive shopper.

February 24, 2020


My name is Mendy and I gave up my keeto diet because of waffles.

February 22, 2020


I am actually the angel who came to planet earth to save the humanity God bless you all.

February 22, 2020


I’m terrified of being by myself.

February 22, 2020


I stayed in a girl’s room and read her diary and read the details of her rape and then I had to meet her the next day.

February 22, 2020


My secret is I’m a submissive male.

February 22, 2020


When I was 16 years old I was sitting in my friend’s pool and all of a sudden I really had to take a shit so I tried to get on my bicycle. Got out of the pool, got on my bicycle and really had to go home and and then my friend’s dad wouldn’t let me bike home because it was dark out so I was like well fuck I went on my bike I have literally like I had a little fart that was poop and then my friend was like no you can’t bike home. And so he’s like, well fuck. And so and he’s like, you have to get in our car now in our van put your bike in the van and I got in the van and I knew that something was wrong. and so. We’re sitting in the closed window van driving 5 minutes home and my friend came with us and he was like wow man, I think Wendy our dog like, I think someone stepped in one of her shits. It really smells like shit in here. And I knew it was me. But I let it be and I was like yeah, maybe I stepped in dog shit, no problem and then we got home and I had to like get out of the car and like move my towel around so that like if I had a shit stain on the back like at least it was in my front when I walked to my doorstep and yeah. I shat myself. So uh, really solid and I blamed it on Wendy. Okay, goodbye.

February 10, 2020


I’m 35 years old and I feel like picking my nose and making booger balls.

February 10, 2020


I’ve been, cheating on my partner for 4 years. He’s never found out. I don’t know he ever will. But I’m trying to stop. Might be a problem. I don’t know. But yeah.

February 10, 2020


My former roommate was a neat freak when she wanted to be. But, proclaimed she cared a lot about germs so when she got my nerves I used her tooth brush to clean the toilet. I never told her and now that we live separately we’re friends again but I will probably never tell her that.

February 10, 2020
